When a relationship ends, we begin to analyze what happened and look for the true cause of the breakup. It’s hard to understand immediately whether it was just a coincidence or an emotional outburst. Bright Side wants to help you recognize people who behave suspiciously. There are 5 types of behavior that characterize an emotional psycho.
1. They always blame you if there are difficulties in the relationship.

Don’t think they’re stupid and don’t understand anything. On the contrary, they know this is their fault, but their nature simply doesn’t allow them to admit their mistake. They seek to make you think that whatever bad is going on, you’re always the only one to blame.
2. They’re constantly lying to make you feel bad.

Speaking of lies, it’s worth focusing on the fact that a person will lie not only on some global topics — they’re able to deceive out of nowhere. From this position, they absolutely don’t care about your feelings, and they don’t even realize what they’re doing.
3. They blame you for the fact they’re unable to achieve something in life.

This person is mentally ill. They believe everyone around them is guilty for their failures. As mentioned above, your feelings aren’t important to them. They’ll repeat the same thing over and over again: "It’s because of you I cannot achieve my goals."
4. They diminish your dignity by all means.

To a person like this, you mean exactly as much as a dusty remote control. They found a perfect person who has warm feelings for them, and they control you to satisfy their petty needs. There can be no mutual feelings at all.
5. They forbid you to communicate with other people.

Being with such a person, it’s almost impossible to ask for help. By limiting communications with the world around you, they bind you to them forever by making you feel sure you can survive in this world only by staying with them.
It’s better to stay away from people who behave like this because they can take away the most precious thing you have: your life.
Illustrator Ksenia Shvedova for BrightSide.me